Monday, August 17, 2009

Tomato Soup

Hello Friends

Am not a very good story teller. This tomato soup.... is all Indian ... cooked in ghee and jeera and golki(pepper corns)... OK here goes the recipe....


- Three large tomatoes

- 1 tspoon roasted cumin seed"jeera"... you can roast it in a frying pan . keep the pan on medium flame put the cumin seed and stir it till they become dark brown. you can powder the same and use is as well

- 1 tspoon of powdered cumin seed "jeera powder"you may use the ready made ones in the packet or may use the above method to make them

- one and a half tspoon minced Garlic "lehsun"

- 1 tea spoon pepper powder"golki aur kali mirch' or you may powder 5 peppercorns keep it coarse as this way they taste better

- 1 tspoon thin sliced ginger"adrak"

- 2 tspoon of clarified butter or ghee

- 3 or 4 mushroom of your choice cut the stem then cut the bulb in large pieces you may make four pieces or just two. If you want you can cut the stem in tow or three and use them as well.

- few leaves of fresh cilantro"hari dhaniya patti" for garnishing.

- bread crumbs I made the bread crumbs in home. Take three slices of bread of your choice I used wheat bread. Cut them in small square pieces just like that of bread crumbs and then bake them in oven at 400 degree F for 15 minutes . Spread a baking aluminium sheet in the baking dish oil the surface if you want you can use butter of even the oil spray spread the bread and keep the dish inside.


Tomato paste

Cut the tomatoes into two halves. Take water in a microwave safe bowl put the tomatoes in it ... make sure the tomatoes submerge in and there is still enough space left in the bowl(that is don't fill it till the brim). Microwave it for 6 minutes. When it is done the skin would have become tender. If you are not satisfied then you can cook for two more minutes. Once done make a paste of it in a grinder. If you don't like the tomato pulp or you like a clear soup you may use a sieve to remove it but I prefer a soup with some pulp


Now we will prepare the "chaunk" for this heat a heavy bottom vessel or a "khadhayi". Add clarified butter or ghee.When the ghee becomes hot to it add the minced garlic "lehsun", sliced ginger "adrak", cut green chili "hari mirch" and roasted cumin seed"jeera". Cook this till the garlic becomes golden brown. Then add mushroom to it and cook for about 2 minutes. Now add the tomato paste that you have earlier made. wait till it boils stir it properly and to this add the powdered peppercorns "golki" and cumin seed powder "jeera powder add salt to taste. After boiling if for 3 or 4 minutes turn off the flame and your soup is ready. Garnish it with fresh cut cilantro "hari dhaniya patti" and bred crumbs.

So this is my first dish :) hope you guys like it ....

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