Monday, August 17, 2009

Quick Breakfast

Have you ever run out of the ever lasting bread supply in your home leaving you with few choices for breakfast..... well I had once and had used this alternative instead. I don't have a formal name for this quick dish... well,I will call it wheat flour omelet... so here goes the recipe for the same

Wheat Flour Omelet


- 2 table spoon wheat flour

- 1 table spoon rice flour(this is optional just to make it a bit crispy if you don't have it you may add sooji)

- 1 large egg or 2 medium ones

- 1 tea spoon yoghurt"dahi" ... use the plain yoghurt.

- a small bowl of vegetables that you basically use for the omelet. This is optional,you can use onion and green chilly

- thin sliced onions ... slice them vertically and then horizontally so that you get almost square or rectangular cubes

- one spring onion finely chopped

- green chilly finely chopped

- a few cubes of bell pepper

- red chilly powder if you really want the omelet to be hot though I personally don't prefer using it

- salt to taste

- 1 table spoon oil

- cilantro"hari dhaniya patti" leaves for garnishing

- half a lime"neembu" for garnishing


Dough Preparation
Take a large bowl beat the eggs the same way as done for the omlete.Add all the above ingredients, except the cilantro and lime , make a smooth batter .... you can add extra spices if you want ... like pepper powder"golki or kali mirch"... cumin seed powder "dhaniya powder" a pinch of "garam masala".

Omelet preparation
Heat a tea spoon of oil in a frying pan ,you may also use butter which will enhance the taste further. Add the batter tilt your pan so that the batter spread evenly then let it cook for 3 minutes on a high flame. Start lifting the sides if the omelet comes out without sticking then turn it. let the other side cook as well. Add a dash of lime "nimbu" and cilantro "hari dhaniya patti" and let it cook. when both the sides have become brown. Take your omelet out in a plate and relish it with your favourite ketchup or sauce.

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