Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Cabbage Sabji

There are times when we want to eat simple.. no loud smell of spices or garlic or ginger. Cabbage is one vegitable that can be cooked without much frills and yet it tastes great!!!!

Cabbage with coconut

- 2 cups Chopped cabbage... the thinner you chop the better they taste :)
- half a cup of "chane ki daal" soak it in water for about two hourse then cook it in microwave with enough water for about 5 minutes.
- 3 dry red chilli "sukhi lal mirch" if you want it hotter add more
- 2 tea spoon mustard seed"sarso" .. the quantiy is more than usual as it's taste has to be prominent you can add less if you are not a great mustard fan.
- 4 - 5 curry leaves "kadhi patta"
- half a cup of grated coconut "nariyal" you can use the fresh grated ones or the dry ones that come in packets.
- 1 tea spoon vegitable oil you can use ghee for better taste

Heat oil in a frying pan "kadhayi". When the oil becomes hot add mustard seeds and "chane ki daal".Put on the lead, this will prevent the seeds from messing up the gas stove. Add red chilli and curry leaves put on the lead again. After a minute or two add the chopped cabbage and salt. Keep the flame on medium and cover the lead.You don't need to add any water as the cabbage will cook in its own water. Five minutes after adding the cabbage add the coconut. Keep it on flame for 15 minutes with the lead on and stir intermittently.

Here is your "sabji" ready in no time. Simple as it may seem it tastes great.

1 comment:

  1. chalo achcha kiya hum jaise nakaara logon ko kuch to banana aa jayega :)
