Friday, February 12, 2010

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Put it out with a perdurable

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Cabbage Sabji

There are times when we want to eat simple.. no loud smell of spices or garlic or ginger. Cabbage is one vegitable that can be cooked without much frills and yet it tastes great!!!!

Cabbage with coconut

- 2 cups Chopped cabbage... the thinner you chop the better they taste :)
- half a cup of "chane ki daal" soak it in water for about two hourse then cook it in microwave with enough water for about 5 minutes.
- 3 dry red chilli "sukhi lal mirch" if you want it hotter add more
- 2 tea spoon mustard seed"sarso" .. the quantiy is more than usual as it's taste has to be prominent you can add less if you are not a great mustard fan.
- 4 - 5 curry leaves "kadhi patta"
- half a cup of grated coconut "nariyal" you can use the fresh grated ones or the dry ones that come in packets.
- 1 tea spoon vegitable oil you can use ghee for better taste

Heat oil in a frying pan "kadhayi". When the oil becomes hot add mustard seeds and "chane ki daal".Put on the lead, this will prevent the seeds from messing up the gas stove. Add red chilli and curry leaves put on the lead again. After a minute or two add the chopped cabbage and salt. Keep the flame on medium and cover the lead.You don't need to add any water as the cabbage will cook in its own water. Five minutes after adding the cabbage add the coconut. Keep it on flame for 15 minutes with the lead on and stir intermittently.

Here is your "sabji" ready in no time. Simple as it may seem it tastes great.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Home Made Bread Rusks

Who doesn't like the taste of rusks dipped in tea.... the crispy thing melting in the mouth... the subtle sweet taste of milk rusk or the very Indian ones with some spices in it....

The ones that I made have neither used all purpose flour "maida" or yeast " khameer".I don't have the skill and the patience to make them.,so I used the shortcut instead

BREAD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

The only skill required is a sharp eye on the color of the bread while its baked.

Bread Rusks

- Bread of your choice you may use the regular white bread if you are health conscious you can go for the wheat bread.

- Ghee or Butter choice is yours

- Sugar and milk if you want the sweet milk rusks

- Salt if you want the salted ones


1) Simple Rusks ... Cut the bread in two halves. Apply ghee liberally on one side of the bread keep the other side dry.

2) Milk Rusks.... Mix ghee , sugar and milk ... the measure is one tea spoon of milk for each bread. Sugar depends on how sweet you want them to be;half a tea spoon for each bread will suffice. Use half a tea spoon of ghee for each bread.Apply the mixture on one side of the bread; take care that you don't soak the bread wet. Cut the bread in two halves

3) Salted Rusk.... Mix ghee and salt... the measurement remains the same ... half a tea spoon of ghee for each bread and salt to taste. Apply the mixture on one side of the bread keep the other side dry. Cut the bread in two halves

Baking the rusks
Spread the aluminium foil in the baking dish. While placing the bread pieces make sure the side on which you have applied the mixture is down.

Now comes the most tricky part of the dish... time for which the breads should be baked. Preheat the oven to 350 F. Bake for 12 minutes. Take out the baking dish and touch the bread if the are crisp you may take it out but if you want them to be a bit more brown or crispy you can keep it for 3 more minutes or you can just keep them in the hot oven till it cools.

Take out that prized possession of yours and relish it with tea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Quick Breakfast

Have you ever run out of the ever lasting bread supply in your home leaving you with few choices for breakfast..... well I had once and had used this alternative instead. I don't have a formal name for this quick dish... well,I will call it wheat flour omelet... so here goes the recipe for the same

Wheat Flour Omelet


- 2 table spoon wheat flour

- 1 table spoon rice flour(this is optional just to make it a bit crispy if you don't have it you may add sooji)

- 1 large egg or 2 medium ones

- 1 tea spoon yoghurt"dahi" ... use the plain yoghurt.

- a small bowl of vegetables that you basically use for the omelet. This is optional,you can use onion and green chilly

- thin sliced onions ... slice them vertically and then horizontally so that you get almost square or rectangular cubes

- one spring onion finely chopped

- green chilly finely chopped

- a few cubes of bell pepper

- red chilly powder if you really want the omelet to be hot though I personally don't prefer using it

- salt to taste

- 1 table spoon oil

- cilantro"hari dhaniya patti" leaves for garnishing

- half a lime"neembu" for garnishing


Dough Preparation
Take a large bowl beat the eggs the same way as done for the omlete.Add all the above ingredients, except the cilantro and lime , make a smooth batter .... you can add extra spices if you want ... like pepper powder"golki or kali mirch"... cumin seed powder "dhaniya powder" a pinch of "garam masala".

Omelet preparation
Heat a tea spoon of oil in a frying pan ,you may also use butter which will enhance the taste further. Add the batter tilt your pan so that the batter spread evenly then let it cook for 3 minutes on a high flame. Start lifting the sides if the omelet comes out without sticking then turn it. let the other side cook as well. Add a dash of lime "nimbu" and cilantro "hari dhaniya patti" and let it cook. when both the sides have become brown. Take your omelet out in a plate and relish it with your favourite ketchup or sauce.

Tomato Soup

Hello Friends

Am not a very good story teller. This tomato soup.... is all Indian ... cooked in ghee and jeera and golki(pepper corns)... OK here goes the recipe....


- Three large tomatoes

- 1 tspoon roasted cumin seed"jeera"... you can roast it in a frying pan . keep the pan on medium flame put the cumin seed and stir it till they become dark brown. you can powder the same and use is as well

- 1 tspoon of powdered cumin seed "jeera powder"you may use the ready made ones in the packet or may use the above method to make them

- one and a half tspoon minced Garlic "lehsun"

- 1 tea spoon pepper powder"golki aur kali mirch' or you may powder 5 peppercorns keep it coarse as this way they taste better

- 1 tspoon thin sliced ginger"adrak"

- 2 tspoon of clarified butter or ghee

- 3 or 4 mushroom of your choice cut the stem then cut the bulb in large pieces you may make four pieces or just two. If you want you can cut the stem in tow or three and use them as well.

- few leaves of fresh cilantro"hari dhaniya patti" for garnishing.

- bread crumbs I made the bread crumbs in home. Take three slices of bread of your choice I used wheat bread. Cut them in small square pieces just like that of bread crumbs and then bake them in oven at 400 degree F for 15 minutes . Spread a baking aluminium sheet in the baking dish oil the surface if you want you can use butter of even the oil spray spread the bread and keep the dish inside.


Tomato paste

Cut the tomatoes into two halves. Take water in a microwave safe bowl put the tomatoes in it ... make sure the tomatoes submerge in and there is still enough space left in the bowl(that is don't fill it till the brim). Microwave it for 6 minutes. When it is done the skin would have become tender. If you are not satisfied then you can cook for two more minutes. Once done make a paste of it in a grinder. If you don't like the tomato pulp or you like a clear soup you may use a sieve to remove it but I prefer a soup with some pulp


Now we will prepare the "chaunk" for this heat a heavy bottom vessel or a "khadhayi". Add clarified butter or ghee.When the ghee becomes hot to it add the minced garlic "lehsun", sliced ginger "adrak", cut green chili "hari mirch" and roasted cumin seed"jeera". Cook this till the garlic becomes golden brown. Then add mushroom to it and cook for about 2 minutes. Now add the tomato paste that you have earlier made. wait till it boils stir it properly and to this add the powdered peppercorns "golki" and cumin seed powder "jeera powder add salt to taste. After boiling if for 3 or 4 minutes turn off the flame and your soup is ready. Garnish it with fresh cut cilantro "hari dhaniya patti" and bred crumbs.

So this is my first dish :) hope you guys like it ....